2024 ARRL VHF Contest Rover

AA2SD/R Fast Rove Plan for (2) Days June 2024 ARRL VHF Contest

For the June 2024  VHF Contest I plan to fast Rove to (2) converging grids square locations. The first Grid Square convergence is located South of Binghamton NY (FN 11, FN22 and FN12). The second location is West of the W3CCX Camelback Pack Rats set up (FN10, FN21, FN20). All with good elevation overlooks and within radio reach of the Pack Rats and other operators.

I plan to only operate with updated Halo Loops and Amps, and a push up mast moxon. This will be a much quicker pace for me at each location, no antennas set up, I only plan to spend 1 hour at each location operating and will work FT8 in the evening.  You can follow me on APRS at APRS.FI  or the https://w3sz.com/map.php with live location updates to point your beams.

I am calling this my Born to Run Rove in the Mountains !

During the contest you can track at the following links below: