NJ QSO Party Sept 16
On the Road Again AA2SD Rover NJ QSO Party Saturday 9/16
I will be operating Saturday for the NJ QSO Party starting at Noon as a Rover. I plan on sticking to 40 Meters and may try 10 and 20 Mtrs.You can follow location on APRS.FI https://aprs.fi/ and enter AA2SD-5
As a Rover you can work me in each individual county as a new contact. I will operate a 100% mobile rover with an ATAS120 antenna and fT891. I plan to stick to 40M during most of the contest.
(PLEASE NOTE corrected Frequencies + based on conditions)
40M -7.190 (Primary Band)
20M - 14.250
10m - 28.400
Please support your local Clubs and work me from the road, all of my score will be attributed to the South Jersey Radio Association.
Mobile or portable stations that change geographic area (county for NJ stations or S/P/DX for others) are considered to be a new station and may be contacted again for QSO points and multiplier credit.
Contact as many NJ amateurs in as many NJ counties as possible.
NJ stations contact as many amateurs in the US, Canada and the world as possible.
September 16, 2023
Sat. 1200 (noon) EDT (1600 UTC) to 2359 EDT (0359 UTC)
80 , 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters ONLY.
NJ Stations RS(T) and county (see NJ county abbreviations).
Out of NJ stations RS(T) and state/province/DX (see state abbreviations).
All DX stations use DX.