Activation Plan

Spotting Page

Visit the Spotting Page and look up K2AA  you can find me on the  listed frequencies' below or check the Pota Spotting Page (click the green  button)

Thank you for your contacts on Feb 12 

This park was succesfully activated with 26 QSO's in 1 hour on the 20 meter band.

Thundergut Pond Wildlife Management Area   

SUNDAY Activation Feb 12 th Thundergut Pond Wildlife Management Area in South Jersey K-8054

Thank you for contacts on Sunday 2/12 

Frequencies To Track My Parks on the Air

(if the frequency is busy I will be up or down 3 or 5 from the planned frequencies below- we do not work split frequencies)       Note New Times Below

New Jersey Thundergut Pond Wildlife Management Area - Unit Overview

Unit Thundergut Pond Wildlife Management Area for the majority of game species covers approximately 2,179 acres, and the dominant land cover is woody wetlands. From September through December The dominant land cover for Unit Thundergut Pond Wildlife Management Area is woody wetlands. From September through December, this unit receives an average of 3.45 inches of precipitation a month and the heaviest rainfall is in September. Temperatures during hunting seasons typically range from 36°F to 67°F