ARRL 222 Up Aug 5-6
Thanks for Your Contacts 222 Distance and Up Contest AA2SD Rove
Well it was a slow contest for me and Rove this weekend, and I had some equipment issues to deal with during the Rove, Overall 27 contacts in (2) local Grid Squares on 222 and 70 cm. Nobody said Roving would be easy, l am learning and making adjustments.
Thanks to the Pack Rats and others that worked me during the contest!
Follow along with me - YouTube link on the Rove
Hello Club Members and all Friends.
I will be Roving to (2) locations during Saturday and Sunday for the 222 MHz Up ARRL Contest this weekend. You can track my location on APRS.FI by entering SSID number AA2SD-5 Please follow me on the mobile app at the following link and enter APRS SSID number AASD-5 to track my location.
I plan to use a 10 element small beam A430S10 Yagi Antenna for 70 CM and a 6 element ELK small 222MHz Beam with a push up pole at each location,
I am also in the W3SZ/K1RZ Database -
Bands and Locations
222, and 432 MHz (2 bands only) SSB
Monitoring FM Simplex 70cm 446.0 and 222 FM Simplex 223.5
Saturday August 5th Local Rove FM29 - Ridley Creek State Park PA 400 feet elevation Grid Square FM29gw Time Estimate 2PM EST to 5PM EST
Sunday August 6th Local Rove FN20 - Fort Washington State Park PA 261 feet elevation Grid Square FN20jd Time Estimate 10AM EST to 1PM EST
Time and setup may vary based on weather conditions, antenna set up and travel time at each location.
The contest begins at 1800 UTC Saturday and ends at 1759 UTC Sunday Contest rules can be found here:
Follow me On APRS
You can track my location on APRS.FI by entering SSID number AASD-5 Please follow me on the mobile app at the following link and enter APRS SSID number AA2SD-5 to track my location.
Ridley Creek State Park
Saturday August 5th Local Rove FM29 - Ridley Creek State Park PA 400 feet elevation Grid Square FM29gw Time Estimate 2PM EST to 5PM EST
Fort Washington State Park
Saturday August 5th Local Rove FM29 - Ridley Creek State Park PA 400 feet elevation Grid Square FM29gw Time Estimate 2PM EST to 5PM EST